AWSB is proud of the values with which it conducts business. It has and will continue to uphold the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity in all types of transactions and interactions.
AWSB’s Business Associate Code of Business Conduct (hereafter “BACoBC”) applies to AWSB’s clients, contractors, sub-contractors as well as suppliers and vendors of goods and/or services (hereafter “Business Associates”). The BACoBC defines AWSB’s expectations and requirements of its Business Associates, and the responsibility of Business Associates towards their stakeholders and the environment. AWSB may modify the BACoBC as required, and Business Associates are expected to accept these changes. In addition to this BACoBC, Business Associates must also review specific agreements with AWSB (e.g. general terms and conditions of the purchase order, regional / local terms, and conditions, etc.) for additional obligations and requirements. |